Monday, July 27, 2009

Beruwala Clash between Tawheed Jamath and Sunnath Jamath - Friday 24 July 2009

(For those who want quick information, the core of this blog is down the page in BOLD and ITALIC fonts.)

NOTE : For complete information, we recommend visiting

This blog reveals the true facts that happened in Mahagoda Beruwala on 24-July-2009. The clash between Tawheed Jamath and Buhari Thakiya/Sunnath Jamath.

YouTube videos show videos of the aftermath. A cartoon video too had been uploaded by the Tawheed jamath, that exaggerates what happened and contains lie events such as the Sheikh had gone to that Masjid, where the incident took place, AND HIDES THEIR FALUTS and the Truth. It is a known fact that even the Beruwala Thakiya mureeds did not go during the night, after Sheikh had asked his mureeds not to. Only some mureeds who weren't able to tolerate the false criticisms made by Wahabis against Ahlus-Sunnah took action. It is a generally (worldwide) known fact that muslims infected with Wahabism virus, are extremists. They're very popular in creating confusion and problems among the muslims by backbiting and talking ill of great Islamic scholars of the past.

Wahabi concept of Islam is that they should follow religion directly from the Qur'an and the Hadith. But there are Qur'anic verses and Hadiths of Holy Prophet S.A.W. that had been changed in time during the life of Holy Prophet S.A.W. Such matters cannot be recognized by the Wahabis if they try to research over them after 1400 years. As well, some matters cannot be understood by people, over which misconceptions are made.

It is Wahabism that had brought in bad recognition for the Holy Religion 'Islam'. It is they who broke the traditional Islam saying they are out of religion. They do not realize that there are matters in religion of they know not. Wahabis are arrogant over the knowledge they acquired. Therefore it is not possible to teach a Wahabi true Islam, except brain-wash them with their own views. They enjoy their own brain-washing and teachings. They don't care if the truth is being hidden. They just want their own lifestyle to be the religion of Islam, all those who don't follow them are treated the opposite way.

First main thing to be noted in Wahabism is that there is no discipline. The next is that there is no respect. Nextly there is no humbleness. Next no thirst for analyzing different views, and so on... Most of their bayans are preached in such a way that make them think they are some sort of never-go-wrong humans. In terms of religion, no chance to even think of them going wrong somewhere.

Similar things happen everywhere. It is such a serious thing that soon after the Bukhari Grand Feast they made public preachings against the Bukhari Thakiya calling all those attended as Kafirs, comparing the slaughter of goats to killing of pigs and so on...

Wahabism is nothing but putting hatred in the hearts of their followers, such that when they see Sufi people, they hate. So was the recent bayan, but it was VERY extreme, VERY open to public, and VERY direct at insulting Thakkiya (Thareeqa Qadiriyyathun Nabaviyyah).
When the Thakkiya people complained the police twice, and police requested that so-called imam twice, they did not hand over requesting more time.
When some Thakkiya Moulavis and other people went to talk to that moulavi of them, they stoned the Thakkiya people who left the so-called Masjid-ur-Rahman wounded.
It was after which the attack on the Masjid took place.

We are not trying to justify the murder. We are revealing the incident as a whole. Not hiding the Truth, just like the thou people had done in their video. They NEVER said ANYTHING about them attacking the Thakkiya people, nor about the bayan, nor about their moulavi.

Assuming you may have already viewed the aftermath videos, currently we recommend viewing all videos of the following channels-

Please email queries to



  1. This proves the faleshood of the Takkiya people. If they were clear in their beleif they could have easily refuted the Moulavi of Masjidul Rahman with a counter bayan instead of resoting to cold blooded murder!

    This is also proof that the Segunayagam is having an extraordinary grip on this followers. Under normal circumstances 131 will not go and confess for murder!

    It takes only common sense to make out Segunayagam is using some sort of a black magic (sooniyam) on his mureeds!


    to know the actual story!

  2. Dear shaheedain profile,

    If u r not clear of what happened, first learn urself. It was after the bayan, when thakkiya people went for inquiry, thou people attacked them.

    It is only common sense that wahabis are closed-minded when a muslim thinks neutrally.

    It was not the bayan itself for the fitnah. But the bayan was the root of it.
    There have happened several issues after the bayan.
    Unlike wahabi thinking, the thakkiya people first complained to the police, not just go to inquire.

    Thou people ONLY SPEAK about the murder and the aftermath, neglecting ALL events such as not sending their moulavi for inquiry, striking the thakkiya people who went to inquire for the second time, and so on... This is how they hide the true incident, by trying to be innocent and trying to say thakkiya people just came and attacked so violently, huh?!

    For information, pls visit
    to know the genuin story

  3. to shaheedain profile,

    Just because you do not know or understand the meaning of respect does not mean that others do not. Your knowledge of respect is zero since you can only think of is black magic.
    We the thakiyya people do not like to slander, tell lies or give false info!
    Just because the thow community is doing it, It does not mean it is permitted in Islam.
    Why do you still hide the fact we offered a peaceful solution by affering the cleric to axplain himself, but it is the thow community who rejected it? The thow cleric is yet to come forward for his actions and answer to the police.

    8 And among the people are those who say,
    ‘We have faith in Allah and the Last Day,’
    but they have no faith.
    9 They seek to deceive Allah
    and those who have faith,
    yet they deceive no one but themselves,
    but they are not aware.
    10 There is a sickness in their hearts;
    then Allah increased their sickness,
    and there is a painful punishment for them
    because of the lies they used to tell.
    11 When they are told,
    ‘Do not cause corruption on the earth,’
    they say, ‘We are only reformers!’
    12 Look! They are themselves the agents of corruption,
    but they are not aware.
    13 And when they are told,
    ‘Believe like the people who have believed,’
    they say, ‘Shall we believe
    like the fools who have believed?’
    Look! They are themselves the fools,
    but they do not know.

    Surah Al-Baqarah

    May Allah have mercy on your soul!!!!

  4. wat the hell is this man... fuck all of u
